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*All Quiz Results

Deep Lore

Below are all of the results for the Magi Type Quiz.




Psions are mentally-based magi who skew slightly toward the physical. This means that while you’re primarily driven by logic, you tend to value concrete facts over emotion. You get things done, overcoming any trial in your path no matter what. You thrive on honesty, and you struggle when people don’t communicate their needs effectively.


You have the ability to use telekinesis, which includes pushing and pulling on non-living objects. Sorry, no throwing dragons around. Still, Psions have a wide range of skills, and tend to make fierce fighters on the battlefield as well as effective automators of mundane tasks like doing the dishes or folding clothes.


As a Mystic, you access your etherarchy by runetracing. To achieve certain mythic effects, you must first study and learn the proper rune. As you trace, gold light will follow your finger in the air. Once the rune is complete, it will glow to life just over your forehead. You can trace as many runes as you like, but you have to be able to maintain concentration on all of them lest they dissolve into golden etherdust.


Mystics can also access the Dreamweave. Not much is known about the dream realm, but it does grant mentally-based magi the ability to create many types of illusions. Not all Mystics choose to specialize in the Dreamweave.


Some Psions we met in Evgard include: The Black Valkyrie, Solrac, Jax, and Ivar


*It turns out, the saying "Mind over Matter" is linked to some truth. Mental seems to edge out Physical power, meaning that most who tie between Mental and Physical affinities tend to be Psions. There's a chance they could also become Woodweavers, though that seems to be the exception.



Seers are the primary mental magi type, which means you're guided by logic above all else. You're a seeker of truth, and you probably enjoy lists and numbers. It drives you crazy when other people (or you) make illogical decisions.


You have the ability to use telepathy, which includes mind reading, some degree of mind control, as well as seeing omens of the future (reading the mind of fate). Careful—these omens can be confusing and misleading, and only show you glimpses of paths subject to change depending on the choices made by yourself and others along the way.


As a Mystic, you access your etherarchy by runetracing. To achieve certain mythic effects, you must first study and learn the proper rune. As you trace, gold light will follow your finger in the air. Once the rune is complete, it will glow to life just over your forehead. You can trace as many runes as you like, but you have to be able to maintain concentration on all of them lest they dissolve into golden etherdust.


Mystics can also access the Dreamweave. Not much is known about the dream realm, but it does grant mentally-based magi the ability to create many types of illusions. Not all Mystics choose to specialize in the Dreamweave.


Some Seers we met in Evgard include: The Farseer, Kai, Lyra, Ilyan, and Ilona


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Rifters are mentally-based magi who skew slightly toward the spiritual. This means that while you’re primarily driven by logic, you’re very in touch with emotions and vibes. You’re very good at sensing others’ needs, and you’re a passionate protector of things you care about. That being said, you tend be a little too sensitive at times.


You have the ability to use teleportation, which using the spirit plane, Etheria, in order to span great distances instantly. You can only teleport to somewhere you can see, unless you’re using a previously-made rift anchor as a landing point. You can also see into Etheria itself using what’s known as the Sight.


As a Mystic, you access your etherarchy by runetracing. To achieve certain mythic effects, you must first study and learn the proper rune. As you trace, gold light will follow your finger in the air. Once the rune is complete, it will glow to life just over your forehead. You can trace as many runes as you like, but you have to be able to maintain concentration on all of them lest they dissolve into golden etherdust.


Mystics can also access the Dreamweave. Not much is known about the dream realm, but it does grant mentally-based magi the ability to create many types of illusions. Not all Mystics choose to specialize in the Dreamweave.


Some Rifters we met in Evgard include: Meleya, Akayto, Kheradok, Torsten, Freya, and the Soul Reaper



Astomancers are spiritually-based magi who skew slightly toward the mental. This means that while you’re primarily driven by emotions, you’re highly intelligent and rational as well. You’re brave and passionate, but struggle to accept your own limitations, which can sometimes land you in trouble.


You have the ability to manipulate ether itself, forming pure ethereal essence into something tangible. You can turn it into ether blasts to stop your enemies, or create starglass. Starglass is ether in a white, crystalline form, and it as unlimited as your imagination. You can make anything from weapons and keys to dinnerware and jewelry.


As an Archon, you access your etherarchy by willing your powers into manifesting. You’re more likely to unlock a new power when you’re driven by a powerful emotion (this is typically called a ‘breakthrough’). When you dip into your ether supply, your irises burn with golden etherlight.


Archons all share the ability to levitate. Levitation can manifest in the form of hover-jumping extra high or hover-dashing with extra speed to name a few. Not all Archons choose to specialize in levitation.


Some Astromancers we met in Evgard include: Asher, Boone, Sniff, and Glass


*Spiritual seems to edge out Mental power, meaning that most who tie between Spiritual and Mental affinities tend to be Astromancers. There's a chance they could also become Rifters, though that seems to be the exception.



Lightwielders are the primary spiritual magi type, which means that you are driven by emotion. You have an innate sense of what’s right, and strive to follow that light above all else. You’re bright, inventive, and positive, which makes you a special target for the darkness that will try and discourage you from reaching your potential. Don’t let it win, Lightwielder. Keep up the good fight.


You have the ability to manipulate light itself, making it into something tangible. You can create lightning, heal using liquid light, as well as solidifying light into incredibly sharp edges along your weapons to make even the dullest blade cut straight through stone like butter.


As an Archon, you access your etherarchy by willing your powers into manifesting with your spirit. You’re more likely to unlock a new power when you’re driven by a powerful emotion (this is typically called a ‘breakthrough’). When you dip into your ether supply, your irises burn with golden etherlight.


Archons all share the ability to levitate. Levitation can manifest in the form of hover-jumping extra high or hover-dashing with extra speed to name a few. Not all Archons choose to specialize in levitation.


Some Lightwielders we met in Evgard include: Cenrik, Rex, and Bolt



Shadowbinders are spiritually-based magi who skew slightly toward the physical. This means that while you’re primarily driven by emotion, you strongly value the concrete and real. You’re determined, and you value the purpose that drives your skill. Shadowbinders have a hard time coping with an over-structured schedule.


You have the ability to manipulate darkness itself, making shadow into something tangible. You can spin it into a protective cloth called shadowsilk, or set your weapon ablaze with disintegrating shadowfire. Additionally, you can make your own body into ghostly shadow by turning invisible or phase shifting so that you are no longer corporeal.


As an Archon, you access your etherarchy by willing your powers into manifesting. You’re more likely to unlock a new power when you’re driven by a powerful emotion (this is typically called a ‘breakthrough’). When you dip into your ether supply, your irises burn with golden etherlight.


Archons all share the ability to levitate. Levitation can manifest in the form of hover-jumping extra high or hover-dashing with extra speed to name a few. Not all Archons choose to specialize in levitation.


Some Shadowbinders we met in Evgard include: Shaya, Zerana, Zel, and Shade



Wildshapers are physical-based magi who skew slightly toward the spiritual. This means that while you are primarily driven by instinct, you’re very in touch with your emotions, as well as those of others around you. That includes, of course, animals! You have a soft spot for all creatures furry, scaly, or feathered. You are an energetic person who enjoys connecting with others on a deeper level. You tend to prefer small groups of people who truly know and care about you rather than large groups. Still, you are very good at adapting to new or difficult situations, and you fiercely guard that which is important to you.


You have the ability to take on aspects of animals. You can transform, either fully or partially, into creatures for which you have previously attuned a totem. These totems can be things like a marked sandshark’s tooth, a piece of drakalope bone, or the feather of a ashfalcon. When you transform into a creature, you appear as what you, yourself, would look like as that creature.


As a Sentinel, you access your etherarchy by leaning into your instincts or gut reactions. Logical thought can inhibit your ability to fully embrace your powers, so you must learn to follow your feelings. Your instincts are strong and good—trust them. When you access your ether reserves, glowing gold patterns flow along your skin.


Sentinels all share the ability to regenerate to some degree. When your ether supply is full, minor scrapes and bruises can heal almost instantly. Worse injuries take more time and ether to regenerate. Some Sentinels have even mastered the ability to extend their regeneration to help restore the health of others. Not all Sentinels specialize in regeneration.

Some Wildshapers we met in Evgard include: Valla and the Liberator


*Physical power tends to overshadow Spiritual power, meaning that most who tie between Physical and Spiritual affinities tend to be Wildshapers. There's a chance they could also become Shadowbinders, though that seems to be the exception.



Geomancers are the primary physical magi type, which means that you are driven by instinct. You vastly prefer taking action to enduring lengthy discussion, and learn best on the job. You’re strong-willed and industrious, but both of these things can get you into trouble at times. Once you’ve made up your mind about something or started a project in motion, it can be difficult for you to change course.


You have the ability to take on aspects of earth. You can make your skin as hard and impenetrable as granite, move like shifting sands, or become as large as a mountain. Alternatively, you have the ability to manipulate the environment around you like the flow of lava or cause earthquakes. 


As a Sentinel, you access your etherarchy by leaning into your instincts or gut reactions. You must also have attuned to a totem for each rock-based power you wish to access (ie: a marked shard of crystal, stone, or obsidian). Logical thought can inhibit your ability to fully embrace your powers, so you must learn to follow your feelings. Your instincts are strong and good—trust them. When you access your ether reserves, glowing gold patterns flow along your skin.


Sentinels all share the ability to regenerate to some degree. When your ether supply is full, minor scrapes and bruises heal almost instantly. Worse injuries take more time and ether to regenerate. Some Sentinels have even mastered the ability to extend their regeneration to help restore the health of others. Not all Sentinels specialize in regeneration.


Some Geomancers we met in Evgard include: Shaw and Vesta.



Woodweavers are physical-based magi who skew slightly toward the mental. This means that while you are primarily driven by instinct, you’re also a logical, rational person. You’re one of the few people who truly recognizes and enjoys nature and the beauty of the living world around you. You’re always looking for opportunities to grow, and you embrace change with grace and intelligence. At times, it can be hard for you to stay in one place or do the same task over and over again, since you hate feeling limited by your situation.


You have the ability to take on aspects of plants. You can do anything from control vines like lassos, to enhance the growth of crops, to create complex, plant-based elixirs. Some Woodweavers have even learned how to create little plant-servants called ‘folians’ to perform simple tasks. One woodweaving dragon we know can change his scales to become as hard and protective as diamondoak bark.


As a Sentinel, you access your etherarchy by leaning into your instincts or gut reactions. Logical thought can inhibit your ability to fully embrace your powers, so you must learn to follow your feelings. Your instincts are strong and good—trust them. When you access your ether reserves, glowing gold patterns flow along your skin.


Sentinels all share the ability to regenerate to some degree. When your ether supply is full, minor scrapes and bruises can heal almost instantly. Worse injuries take more time and ether to regenerate. Some Sentinels have even mastered the ability to extend their regeneration to help restore the health of others. Not all Sentinels specialize in regeneration.


Some Woodweavers we met in Evgard include: Thorn, Annika, and Keep Drakfell’s High Mage



Guardians are a truly unique phenomenon in Evgard, and no human Guardians have been seen for almost 1,000 years. While they may lean slightly more Spiritual, Physical, or Mental, they have all unlocked an understanding of each, yielding an overall balanced personality type. However, this seeming steadiness can leave Guardians prone to indecision, overthinking, or difficulty prioritizing. Still, Guardians become very adept at understanding others, and even themselves, which can lead to enormous growth. and power. 

Guardians, like True Dragons, are able to access all forms of Etherarchy. While this makes them incredibly powerful, they are also vulnerable in that they may not be able to specialize as effectively as other Magi, leaving them with different kinds of weaknesses. They can access the Mystic powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation, as well as the Sentinel powers of flora, fauna, and mineral, not to mention the Archonic powers of manipulation of light, shadow, and ether itself. So many options can become a mighty combination, or can become overwhelming to the wielder. 


As a Guardian, you have unlocked all three human Ether Wells, which are located in the mind (near the third eye), the heart, and the core (just below the belly button). Guardians can access any of these three, but need to put in more work to train with each. To access the mental Ether Well, Guardians need to learn the right runes to trace in the air, which appear in gold over their foreheads like a Mystic. Accessing their spiritual ether well requires exerting their will, causing their eyes to glow with golden fire like an Archon's. Using their physical ether well in their core is more instinctual, causing wild, glowing gold patterns to trace themselves out onto a Guardian's skin, like a Sentinel. 


Since Guardians are part Archon, Sentinel, and Mystic, they are capable of Levitation, Regeneration, and Dreamweave Illusions. Again, they may dabble in some of each of these, or specialize more specifically into one. It all depends on each Guardian, and how much time they have. 


The only Guardians we've met in Evgard are True Dragons like Noctus and Aurora. 

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